Sunday, January 26, 2020
Hypoglycaemia in a Term Infant Form Diabetic Mother
Hypoglycaemia in a Term Infant Form Diabetic Mother Hypoglycaemia in a term infant form diabetic mother ASSIGNMENT TITLE: Critically analyse the care provided to an infant from a diabetic mother and family The following assignment will discuss the care of an infant within a special care baby unit, the care provided will be critically analysed and local, national guidelines and recent research associated with the care of the infant will be discussed. In order to ensure confidentiality and in accordance with Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015) the infant being discussed will be referred as Infant B. for the purposes of this assignment the nursing framework Casey, A. (1988), will be used. Casey model includes child, family, health, environment and nurse however to personalize the care provided the main focus within this assignment will be concerning blood glucose control though, temperature control, minimized pain, maintaining a safe environment, establishing feeds, communication and family centred care will be discussed as well in relation to blood glucose control. The rationale supporting the use of Casey model is said to focus on family centred care that is redefining the relationships in health care, increasing and becoming one of the main goals on the neonatal units across the world (Staniszewska et al., 2012). Casey, A. (1988) acknowledges the vital role of the parents and family and ensures the everyday care of the child through a partnership and negotiation between parents and family and the nurse (Casey and Mobbs, 1988; Patient- and Family-Centered Care and the Pediatricians Role, 2012). This assignment is focused on the care of infant B, born at term at 41 weeks and two days gestational age within an antenatal diagnosis of maternal diabetes mellitus type I with a birth weight of 3140 grams, over two consecutive night shifts. Admitted to special care with one day of life with diagnosis of hypoglycemia one of the most frequent causes of admission in this sector (NHS Improvement, 2016). The assessment of infant B. was performed at the moment of admission on the first day after transferred from post-natal unit as per Trust policy. An adequate assessment is a crucial component of nursing practice, mandatory for planning and provision of patient and family centred care (Staniszewska et al., 2012) fundamental for their professional accountability and responsibility RCN (2014.) IDM according with UNICEF (2013) are at risk and need to be correctly identified and managed appropriately. The definition of hypoglycemia in the newborn infant has remained controversial because of a lack of significant correlation among plasma glucose concentration, clinical signs, and long-term sequelae (WRIGHT and MARINELLI, 2014; Hay, et al 2009; UNICEF, 2013) Bulbul and Uslu (2016) concluded that there has been no substantial evidence-based progress in defining what constitutes clinically important neonatal hypoglycemia, particularly regarding how it relates to brain injury. However they consider clear the definition of transient and persistent hypoglycemia and their differences (Cornblath et al.,2000). Many authors have suggested a numeric definitions of hypoglycemia that are variable in postnatal age (Cornblath and Ichord, 2000; Harris at al, 2012; Hawdon 2013; Arya at al, 2013; Stomnaroska-Damcevski, 2015; Adamkin, 2016). The value 2.6mmol/l was adopted by many clinicians and by the Trust as well, however there is no scientific justification for this value (Wright and Marinelli, 2014). On admission infant B. presented with a low blood glucose level (BGL) of 1.3mmol/L, In order to increase blood glucose level, a peripheral venous line (PVL) was inserted in right foot as per Trust policy (2012) (NICE,2015), 10% Dextrose bolus administered, started intra venous fluids of 10% Dextrose and a nasogastric tube inserted. Blood glucose level checked 30mins after (NICE, 2015), level increased to 3.1 mmol/l. IV fluids started (60ml/kg/day) (NICE, 2015; BNF, 2015) and BGL checked 1-2 hours after. Frequency was based on infant B condition (Stomnaroska-Damcevski et al, 2015). Dextrose 10% is given to restore blood glucose levels and provide calories minimizing liver glycogen depletion (BNF, 2014). Administration of a 10%Dextrose is protocoled but this value, once more, it is not consensual in literature (BNF, 2010; Arya at al 2013; Adamkin, 2016). A bolus was given first, with higher concentration that infusion, to increase quicker the values and followed by the infusion to stabilize the levels (Adamkin, 2011). The goal is to achieve a blood glucose level of 2.6 to 9mmol/L (Rennie and Kendall, 2013). Frequent Dextrose bolus are not recommended (WHO, 1997) per risk of hyperosmolar cerebral oedema. A study developed by Heagarty (2016) showed significant benefits of oral dextrose gel as an option for treatment of symptomatic hypoglycemia. Shows that is most effective, well tolerated and reduce 50% the incidence of neonatal hypoglycemia in high risk infants, but just for newborn babies in postnatal unit, not indicated for NICU admissions due to severity conditions (BNF, 2015). Hawdon et al (1994) describe a persistent effect and side-effects, and high doses can stimulate insulin release, that can be a reason why oral glucose gel it is not used in NICU. Other option is glucose water however studies (Wight and Marinelli, 2014) indicate that has insufficient energy and lack of protein. At delivery, glucose supply from mother to the infant stops, and consequently glucose concentrations decrease rapidly, until a exogenous source of glucose is available, the infant depends on his hepatic glucose production to face metabolic needs and maintain the homeostasis during the first few days (Boissieu et al. 1995; de Rooy and Hawdon, 2002). The pediatric endocrine society considers the first 48h of a health newborn infant a normal period of transitional hypoglycemia (Cornblath and Ichord, 2000; Merenstein and Gardner, 2011). Low ketones levels, inappropriate preservation of glycogen, and low glucose levels, are characteristics of this period and may activate mechanisms for brain protection (Adamkin, 2016; Standley, et al, 2016). Acute neurophysiological changes occur when human neonates are low in BGL and the long-term significance of these acute changes is not clear (Cornblath and Ichord, 2000). The presence of risks factors, as an infant from a diabetic mother (Rennie and Roberton, 2013) predisposing an infant to hypoglycemia, and increase the risk of persistent hypoglycemia (Thornton et al., 2015). Highlighting the risk factors may determine an appropriate management and a proper planning since the delivery (Lang, 2014) and according with UNICEF (2013) IDM are at risk and need to be correctly identified and managed appropriately. Based on this we can consider infant B a high risk baby to develop hypoglycemia with risk for persistent hypoglycemia. As an IDM, infant B. developed in postnatal period a hypoglycemia episode, this can be considering a transitional hypoglycemia that is caused by hyperinsulinemia (Stanley at, 2015). A study developed by Isles, Dickson and Farquhar (1968) suggests IDM removes glucose quicker than babies from a non-diabetic mother, and that comes from the ability to produce more insulin based on memory of levels experienced in utero. Hyperinsulinism is the most common cause of increased utilization of glucose, and can be temporary, for example when the fetus has been in contact with a hyperglycemic environment by poorly controlled maternal diabetes, (Rennie and Roberton, 2013). In this stage is important to screen for transient and persistent hypoglycemia, the last one with high risk to develop permanent hypoglycemia and consequently induced brain injury (Adamkin, 2011). Neonatal hypoglycemia is commonly asymptomatic but non-specific and extremely variable signs can be presented (Merenstein and Gardner, 2011). In the Trust we apply N-PASS scale to assess pain, agitation and sedation (Hummel et al, 2004) Neurological manifestation as irritability, jitteriness, lethargy, seizure and cardiorespiratory manifestations like cyanosis, pallor, apnea, irregular respirations, tachypnea and cardiac arrest can be presented. Infant B on admission had an appropriate crying not irritable, appropriate behavior, relaxed facial expression, normal tone and with vital signs in normal range. N-PASS scale was applied every three hours when vital signs evaluated, on every procedure and every time that was appropriate. Hypoglycemia cannot be defined only based on single BGL, has to contextualize with infant and mother history (Cornblath and Ichord, 2000). A study developed by Eidelman and Samueloff (2002) associate directly physiopathology of an IDM with metabolic processes including fetal hyperglycemia and fetal hyperinsulinemia, this fetal hypermetabolic state promote somatic growth, obesity, and metabolic disturbance in short and long-term consequences. Diabetic control early in pregnancy is associated with normal neurodevelopment outcome, but according with Schwartz and Teramo, (2000), blood glucose control increases their importance during the pregnancy and especially during the labor and delivery. IDM according with WHO (1997) as high risk for hypoglycemia however, Hawdon (2015) and NICE (2015) says if prenatal and intrapartum are followed by a specialist and monitored this babies should be treated in a first approach as a low risk infant, and the baby can stay with the mother after birth to monitor BGL for 24h or 12h if stable (Adamkin, 2011). IDM is not an indication to be admitted in the neonatal unit. Managing a baby asymptomatic with confirmed hypoglycemia relies on continuing breastfeeding but now more frequently (Amended, 2015), feed 1-3ml/kg (up to 5ml/kg if needed) of expressed breastmilk (EBM) or substitute nutrition (formula, donor human milk) (NICE, 2013; Hegarty, 2016). Increasing frequency will provide more colostrum for the baby, will stimulate the breast to produce more milk, its a moment to practice skin-to-skin, provides a relaxing healthy moment for both encouraging bounding (Adamkin, 2016) Infant B. developed hypoglycemia in post-natal unit and formula milk was started, to receive proper neonatal care had to be separated from mom. This fact interfered with breastfeeding, production of breast milk and bonding between mother and newborn (Sparshott, M., 1997). Mother B didnÃâà ´t have any milk production and that was a trigger for a stressful situation. Assessment of knowledge of all situation was done; emotional support was given, educated and encouraged to continuing breastfeeding, explained importance of breastmilk. Colostrum is the first milk produced by a mother, as a high concentration of nutrient and sugar and ideal to help blood glucose level to reach acceptable values (Wight and Marinelli, 2014). Breastmilk is preferred to formula for association with increase of ketones production (Hawdon et al 1992) and lower blood glucose values in term babies fed with formula, related with insulinogenic effect of protein in formula (Lucas et al, 1981). In partnership with mother B. was planned to stop formula milk when possible and all the EBM expressed was given to infant B. Encourage skin-to-skin contact and unlimited access to breast. (Wight and Marinelli, 2014) It is extensively documented in the literature (Tessier, (1998); Almeida et al., 2010; Heidarzadeh et al., 2013; Blackman, 2013) that kangaroo care provides health benefits not only for the infant but also for parents. A study performed by Heidarzadeh et al. (2013) conclude 62.5% of the mothers that provide kangaroo care to their babies were discharged from the hospital exclusively breastfeeding their babies, comparing with 37.5% of the group that didnt provide kangaroo care. Almeida et al. (2010) in a similar study concludes 82% on discharge go home exclusive breastfeeding. Blackman in 2013 performed a study where one of the subjects evaluated was blood glucose level when provided kangaroo care and results were significantly higher comparing with infants that didnt rece ived. Tessier in 1998 cit by Poppy Steering Group (2009) conclude kangaroo care reduce maternal anxiety, and increase a mothers sense of competence and sensitivity towards her infant. After birth, one of the most important changes is related with metabolism energy and thermoregulation. Infant B. is a term baby however, is a newborn and the risk of disturbance of the thermoregulation is present (Arya at al 2013). A newborn after birth, loses heat immediately by evaporation, convection, conduction and radiation, dependent on the ambient air pressure, temperature and humidity and the temperature of surrounding surfaces (Waldron and Mackinnon, 2007) The newborn has an ability to control and balance temperature, glucose and oxygen perfusion constitute the energy triangle (Aylott, 2005) Variations in this gradual transition can result in disturbances of the neonate regulation such as neonatal hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. Infant B. had initially presented with an axilla temperature of 37.1à °C, normothermic according with World Health Organization (2006), whilst nursed in an open cot. To prevent variations in temperature infant B. was dressed with a vest and Babygro, a hat and wrapped with a shawl and a light blanket on top NHS (2015) and nursed away from draughts and windows to reduce heat loss by convection (Vilinsky and Sheridan, 2014). Furthermore, care was taken to reduce over exposure of the infant due to procedures, as minimize handling and promoting kangaroo care. World Health Organization (1997) describes kangaroo care as a method to keep babies warm and improve the experience during painful procedures as heel pricks (Johnson, 2007). In order to avoid overheat, as Trust policy, temperature was monitored every three hours by use of a tempadot placed under the axilla for 3minutes and room temperature was set at 24-26à °C. It is essential that neonates are nursed within their neutral thermal environment, defined as a temperature where a baby with normal body temperature has a minimal metabolic rate and minimal oxygen consumption (Waldron and Mackinnon, 2007). Hypothermia can lead harmful effects as hypoglycemia, respiratory distress, hypoxia, metabolic acidosis and failure to gain weight (McCall et al, 2010). During this two night shift, Infant B. was able to maintain his temperature. Detect pain in a neonate itÃâà ´s a challenge for multiple factors, a complete and efficient evaluation results in an adequate plan of interventions. As referred previously, N-PASS scale it is adopted by the Trust as a tool to assess pain in neonates. Infant B is exposed to frequent acute pain for heel pricks for evaluation of BGG and cannula in left foot. On admission pain score 0 but during the procedures pain score 1 with consolable crying, tachypneic, tachycardic and clenched Non-nutritional sucking with and without sucrose, swaddling or facilitated tucking and kangaroo care are non-pharmacological techniques adopted to minimize pain to infant B. (2016). Non-nutritional sucking demonstrates to be effective to calm and decrease, particularly mild and moderate pain experienced by the neonate and behaviour responses to pain (Liaw et al., 2010). Baby regulates and organizes himself and relief pain through sucking with no nutritional intake objective. Sucrose effect is mediated by endogenous opioid pathways activated by sweet taste (Gibbins and Stevens, 2001). Beyond non-nutritional sucking, others interventions can be applied, and most of them in partnership with family and parents. Individualised developmental care to include family, explained how to reposition the baby in a comfortable way, swaddling and nesting, and during the procedure containment holding. Encourage parents to touch the neonate and talk with him. If the procedure allowed, do kangaroo care. Minimize painful procedures and clustering, discuss with parents schedules and develop a plan with team. Manipulate the environment decreasing noise and light (Sparshott, 1997). An approach based in recognition and appreciation of parents roles, siblings and other family member allow the nurse to recognise critical steps on the care pathway (Staniszewska et al., 2012) Maximising opportunities for communication with parents/ family increasing confidence in role as a parent and supporting parents-infant relationship. Within the special care unit family-centred care is essential as is advocated by the unit in which the care was being received. During this episode infant B. was placed in a normal cot, because he is a term infant and able to maintain his temperature. This fact allowed his mother as well to be more closed, with no physical barriers. The poppy Steering group (2009) indicate through the needs of parents with an infant requiring neonatal support, the findings show that parents need to have the opportunity to get to know their babies, emotional support, involvement in care and decision making and to establish effective communication with health care staff. When mother B. was able to attend the unit she appeared worried and anxious about not being with infant B. in port-natal ward. It was clear that she saw the change to a different place as a barrier. Explained that she can stay all day and night with infant B. only in handover time, she need to leave for 30 mins, was discussed the bette r time for cares and handling the baby for procedures. Infant B. father was not in the unit during the night, went home to rest, nursing staff were the only support available to her. A study developed by the poppy steering group (2009), showed evidence that improved communication and involvement in their babyÃâà ´s care promotes positive parent-child interaction and attachment. It is important for them to have the opportunity to spend time with their baby and know them in partnership with the nurse that is responsible to provide emotional support and provide involvement in care being open to discuss decisions to be made and stablishing effective communication. Mother B. referred that the possibility to do skin-to-skin when it is appropriate for her and for her baby, helped her to cope with sensation of losing control of her baby. Create opportunities for the mom to feel participative in the care, especially during feeding time, like helping with nasogastric feeding encourage bounding and promote attachment in situations of separation between mother and infant. (Bliss, 2011) In second night shift Infant B. remains on IV fluids, intravenous infusion rate was increased to 90ml/kg/day, as per Trust policy. Infant B was able to maintain blood glucose levels between 3.1-4.2mmol/L. Following Trust guidelines supported by NICE (2015), glucose measurements are now twice a day after two consecutive measurements above 2.6mmol/L if infant B developed symptoms of hypoglycemia frequency will be increased. Stablishing breastfeeding but followed by top upÃâà ´s through nasogastric tube (2mls every 2 hours) (Wight and Marinelli, 2014) given all EBM available and formula milk to achieve amount of milk that infant B needs. Intravenous fluids as decreased as feeds increased, titrating, to meet infant B intake requirements. Infant B was tolerating well his feeds, abdominal not distended and soft, minimal milky aspirates the plan is normalizing baby, decreasing amout of fluid given by intravenous line and increase feeds hoping baby can return to post-natal unit in the next day. Screening high risk babies is other controversial intervention. A utilization of a tool to screen universally IDM after birth will allow more accurate assessments. NICE, 2013 preconize a standard approach, considering IDM healthy babies until any underling condition appears. However Stomnaroska-Damcevski et al (2015) thinks that assessment is important and. Tools like CRIBS and SNAPPE both based in specific criteria but different between should be used. BGL checked by test-strips provides a estimative value, vary 0.5-1mmol/l (Hay et al, 2009) laboratory enzymatic methods is the most accurate method, but results not quick enough for rapid diagnosis, delaying potential interventions and treatment. A Test-strips is important but must be confirmed by a laboratory testing, however the treatment shouldnt be delayed in order to wait for the values, preventing neurologic damage. (Polin, Yoder and Burg, 2001, Adamkin, 2011) All literature consensual in therapeutic through IV dextrose bolus, and IV dextrose continuing infusion, increasing to 12.5% dextrose if values not stable (NICE,2013; Stomnaroska-Damcevski et al ;2015) but when start therapeutic interventions remains not clear. Need more research about oral glucose gel, and more studies about hypoglycaemia to try to understand values of reference and what is dangerous for infant. NICE, 2013, recommends an individualized approach to management with treatment personalized to the specific disorder, taking in mind patient safety and family preferences. Ungraded best practice statement. The available studies are inconclusive and ambivalent about the subject of hypoglycaemia. Primary studies about blood glucose levels are old, and that fact can compromised the conclusion of the case study for up to date resources. Flexibility of sources becomes easy to get lost in the main questions. A case study itÃâà ´s about a particular subject and become individualized losing the relevance. However the context of the phenomenon subject of study is explored in its context with is significance and understanding (Gerrish, K. and Lacey, 2006). This subject is something that we expect to see improving and more reflexion about practice. Diversity of literature helps contextualize diferent prespective through the time. Explain to women with insulin-treated pre-existing diabetes that they are at increased risk of hypoglycaemia in the postnatal period, especially when breastfeeding, and advise them to have a meal or snack available before or during feeds. 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Friday, January 17, 2020
Impact of Technology Essay
Information Tech has revolutionized the phase of business around the world. Local businesses have become international due to a simple website. I. T. has helped businesses in advertising. People who check their email may suddenly have a pop up at their page ends with sales up to 60% at JC Pennyââ¬â¢s! I. T. has helped in customer service, huge corporations like Microsoft attend to customer needs through email and chat services. Networking internal and external in organizations has improved the working of businesses. Staffs and clients likewise can get in touch with the managers for feedback, progress reports and extensions. Communication has bloomed, two business organizations if they need to work together can easily do so. Hotmail, when merged with MSN was easy since the service was online. Business these days require a lot of planning, due to high tech organization systems on computers, planning can be done on an organized pattern, with schedule formats, grant charts etc. Huge databases can now be controlled and stored on network and back up drives. Accessibility of files also has become an easy task with series of password keys and shared folders. Cash transactions are easily made, delay in reduced hence giving liquidity to business. Businesses have been at the forefront of technology for ages. Whatever can speed production will draw in more business. As computers emerged in the 20th century, they promised a new age of information technology. But in order to reap the benefits, businesses needed to adapt and change their infrastructure. For example, American Airlines started using a computerized flight booking system, and Bank of America took on an automated check-processing system. Obviously, now, most business is conducted over personal computers or communication devices. Computers offer companies a way to organize dense databases, personal schedules and various other forms of essential information. As information travels faster and faster and more reliably, barriers of distance disappear, and businesses are realizing how easy it is to outsource jobs overseas. Outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring employees who work outside the company or remotely ââ¬â and even halfway across the world. Companies can outsource duties such as computer programming and telephone customer service. They can even outsource fast-food restaurant service ââ¬â donââ¬â¢t be surprised if youââ¬â¢re putting in your hamburger order with a fast-food employee working in a different country entirely. Outsourcing is a controversial practice, and many believe that U. S. companies who take part are hurting the job market in their own country. Nonetheless, from a business perspective, it seems like the wisest route, saving companies between 30 and 70 percent. Another technology thatââ¬â¢s starting to revolutionize business is actually not very new ââ¬â itââ¬â¢s just cheaper these days. Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is infiltrating and changing business significantly in a few ways. Microchips that store information (such as a number equivalent of a barcode and even an up-to-date history of the chipââ¬â¢s travels) can be attached to product, and this helps companies keep track of their inventory. Some businesses have even begun to use RFID chip implants in humans to tighten security. An access control reader detects the chipââ¬â¢s signal and permits the employee access to the door. But many people are concerned about privacy issues if this were to become widespread practice. Handheld devices like Blackberries have become wildly popular for businesses because they let users check and send email from anywhere, and browse the Internet. Impact of Communication Technology on Life Think of the days when there were no computers and no modern means of transport. Human life was highly restricted due to the unavailability of technological applications. Daily life involved a lot of physical activity. Life of the common man was not as luxurious as that of modern times, but he was more active. Exercise was integrated into routine physical activities. It was contrary to the sedentary lifestyle of today, which leaves no time for exercise and fills days with inactivity and laze. Today we donââ¬â¢t want to, and thanks to technology, donââ¬â¢t even need to, walk, move around or exert physically to get things done. We have the world is at our fingertips. We think of technology as a boon to society. I am afraid; itââ¬â¢s not completely a boon. The Internet has bred many unethical practices like hacking, spamming and phishing. Internet crime is on the rise. The Internet, being an open platform lacks regulation. There is no regulation on the content displayed on websites. Internet gambling has become an addiction for many. Overexposure to the Internet has taken its toll. In this virtual world, you can be who you are not, you can be virtually living even after you die. Isnââ¬â¢t this weird? Children are spending all their time playing online and less or almost no time playing on the ground. Youngsters are spending most of their time social networking, missing on the joys of real social life. Think of the days when there were no online messengers, no emails and no cell phones. Indeed cellular technology made it possible for us to communicate over wireless media. Web communication facilities have worked wonders in speeding long-distance communication. On the other hand, they have deprived mankind of the warmth of personal contact. Emails replaced handwritten letters and communication lost its personal touch. With the means of communication so easily accessible, that magic in waiting to reach someone and the excitement that followed have vanished. Moreover, we have become excessively dependent on technology. Is so much of dependency good? Is it right to rely on machines to such an extent? Is it right to depend on computers rather than relying on human intellect? Computer technology and robotics are trying to substitute for human intellect. With the fast advancing technology, we have started harnessing artificial intelligence in many fields. Where is the digital divide going to take us? How is our ââ¬Ëtomorrowââ¬â¢ going to be? ââ¬ËMachines replacing human beingsââ¬â¢ does not portray a rosy picture, does it? It can lead to serious issues like unemployment and crime. An excessive use of machines in every field can result in an under-utilization of human brains. Over time, we may even lose our intellectual abilities. You know of the declining mathematical abilities in children due to use of calculators since school, donââ¬â¢t you? The impact of technology on society is deep. It is both positive and negative. Technology has largely influenced every aspect of living. It has made life easy, but so easy that it may lose its charm one day. One can cherish an accomplishment only if it comes after effort. But everything has become so easily available due to technology that it has lost its value. There is a certain kind of enjoyment in achieving things after striving for them. But with everything a few clicks away, there is no striving, thereââ¬â¢s only striking. With the developments in technology, we may be able to enjoy all the pricey luxuries in life but at the cost of losing its priceless joys.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Police Corruption and Misconduct - 2992 Words
Police Corruption and Misconduct We all know that Police Officers and those involved in Law Enforcement are typically good people who we entrust to uphold our laws and rules in society. For them to be able to do their job however we grant them several privileges that that empower them more than the average citizen. Their status at times can make them appear above the law since they are the ones upholding and enforcing it and with all due respect I believe mostly of those individuals are responsible and respectable however as we know from history time to time such privileges an lead to corruption and the abuse of power which they are granted. The following CNN news article contains a hint of some of the corruption that can take place. Taking place in King City California a rural and agricultural area recently where 6 police officers along with the former chief of police were arrested for several charges including conspiracy. Accusations claimed that the arrested officers took advantag e of their powers and would impound the cars of local citizens typically those in the lower class and poor with the goal of those victims not being able to afford the impounding fees and then selling the vehicles to make a profit afterwards. The owner of a local towing company was also arrested being believed to be part of the corrupt officerââ¬â¢s conspiracy. Dean Flippo who is the District Attorney of Monterey County believed the conspiracy would take the following steps in order. First one ofShow MoreRelatedPolice Misconduct and Corruption2063 Words à |à 9 PagesINTRODUCTION For as long as policing has existed in America, there has been misconduct and corruption associated with any given policing agency. Police officer malfeasance can range from minor cases of misconduct to the downright criminal acts that are considered to be corruption. It is important to state here that not all police officers are guilty of misconduct and/or corruption, but like everything in our media-b ased society, the ?bad? cops are of much more interest and therefore are what thisRead MorePolice Misconduct and Corruption1757 Words à |à 8 PagesWeek 1 Assignment In order for a Police agency to prevent and deter Police misconduct, there must be a definition to what actions and behaviors that the term will encompass. The term ââ¬Ëpolice corruptionââ¬â¢ has been used to describe many activities: bribery; violence and brutality; fabrication and destruction of evidence; racism; favoritism or nepotism. Many different scholars differ in their own examples of the definition. Before attempting to the question of whether a precise definition is possibleRead More Police Corruption and Misconduct Essay1684 Words à |à 7 Pages Police corruption and misconduct come apparent in many different forms. A basic definition for police corruption is, when an officer gets involved in offenses where the officer uses his or her position, by act or omission, to obtain improper financial benefit. The main reason for such corruption is typically for personal gain, such as bribery. Police abuse of authority occurs in three different general areas such as physical abuse, psychological abuse, and legal abuse. Physical abuse is suchRead More Police Misconduct and Corruption Essay2489 Words à |à 10 PagesWithin our police system in America, there are gaps and loopholes that give leeway to police officials who either abuse the authority given to them or do not represent the ethical standards that they are expected to live up to by society. Because of the nature of police work, there is a potential for deterioration of these ethical and moral standards through deviance, misconduct, corruption, and favoritism. Although these standards are set in place, many police officers are not held accountable forRead MoreTraining Day - Police Corruption Misconduct1160 Words à |à 5 Pagesï » ¿ ââ¬Å"Training Dayâ⬠Police Corruption and Misconduct L**** C**** Ogeechee Technical College Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Practicum (CRJU2090) Neal Owens June 8, 2014 ââ¬Å"Training Dayâ⬠ââ¬â Police Corruption and Misconduct Special units in police forces are essential to the function of any organization, however some of these special units might evolve into feeling superior to the rest of the agency. The mentality of doing it their own way sets in and more likely than not thisRead MorePolice Ethics and Deviance1125 Words à |à 5 PagesPolice Ethics and Deviance Ethics and the police is a subject that most people are interested in. When people use the words ethics and police in the same sentence, people usually think of police deviance, police corruption, misconducts such as drug and alcohol abuse, sexual violence, domestic disputes, and violence within families. Most common subjects people most associate with police ethics is police brutality, police deception, and abuse of their authority. Police officers in the UnitedRead MoreUnethical Police Operations1099 Words à |à 5 PagesUnethical Police Operations When a Police Officer abuses his authority, it is called police misconduct. Police misconduct is a broad term used to describe police corruption and police brutality which include violations of state and federal laws, the violation of an individualââ¬â¢s constitutional rights, the abuse of police authority for personal gain, excessive force, false arrest and imprisonment, malicious prosecution, and wrongful death. Police misconduct can often lead to the miscarriage of justiceRead MorePolice Corruption : How Bad Is It And How Does It Affect Our Perception Of The United States Legal784 Words à |à 4 PagesSeptember 2014 Police Corruption: How bad is it and how does it affect our perception of the United States legal system? The broad or basic dictionary definition of corruption is dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery (Corruption |Usage Example Sentence, Pronunciation, Web Definition | Google Dictionary.). My definition of corruption is the same, but my definition of corruption in law enforcement is different. This is my definition of corruption in law enforcement;Read MorePolice Corruption Essay : Good Cop And Bad Cop1148 Words à |à 5 Pagescalled names. Police officers have been known to take bribes for illegal things. There is corruption all over the states, it is everywhere from Chicago to even Kansas. Police tactics are endangering civilian lives. Corruption is causing so much tension between civilians and officers. Not all police officers are corrupt, but the ones who are give a bad reputation to them all. First, what is corruption? Police corruption is the abuse of police authority for personal gain. Corruption may involve profitRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Police Agency Essay1715 Words à |à 7 PagesPolice agencies have been traumatized with allegations of corruption and misconduct almost since the inception of law enforcement. In most organizations, an employee investigation is a sensitive issue. The employee being investigated can become unsettled, many times mentally and emotionally exhausted. Employees directly and indirectly involved can also become emotionally drained. Consider the impact an internal affairs investigation has within a police agency as it struggles to maintain the confidence
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Illegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears Essay
Illegal Killing and Trafficking of Black Bears The illegal killing and trafficking of animal parts has long been a global concern. With trading at an estimated 6 billion dollars annually, poaching has become the worldââ¬â¢s second most profitable crime activity behind illegal drug trade. In its prevalence, poaching has driven many species to the point of extinction. Animals around the world are killed each day for their body parts. In Africa, elephant tusks are a valuable source of ivory used in jewelry. Moreover, the horns of rhinoceros could command up to $5,000 in the black market. The mothers of newborn mountain gorillas are often killed so that their young ones could be shipped to foreign countries for research or display.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A known compound found in bile, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), has been used in western medicine to treat liver disorders. A gall can command up to $10,000 in east Asia. Its price is about 20 times the street price of cocaine per ounce. Globally, the market in bear parts is estimated at $2 billion. For obvious reasons, bears have become increasingly rare. Five of the eight bear species in the world are endangered. In Korea, where they were ounce abundant, black bears are virtually extinct now with a population between 20 to 300. The population of bears in Russia is dwindling rapidly as a result of gall trafficking by the Russian Mafia. Bear populations have decreased to the point that China is now using bear farms to obtain gall. Bears are kept cruelly in small cages that are often fitted to their body so that they cannot move. A steel catheter surgically implanted to their gall bladder removes bile from their bodies daily. However, instead of saving bears as claimed, bear farms have only instigated poaching by increasing demands for gall. As bear populations decreased in Asia, more traffickers turned to North America where there are a considerable number of bears. Although poaching also occurs in the United States, the problem appears to be worse in Canada. This may be attributed to lessShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Gun Control1242 Words à |à 5 Pages Boom! The little boy kills his first deer while hunting with his dad, theyââ¬â¢re both ecstatic, the dad experiencing all the skills he has taught his son over the years finally pay off, and killing his first deer with the same gun he used thirty years ago. The first firearm was made 653 years ago in 1364, to fire the gun, you had to hold a burning wick to a touch hole to ignite the powder, causing an explosion which sends the projectile out of the barrel. Since then, guns have evolved tremendouslyRead MoreGun Control in the United States Essay1360 Words à |à 6 Pagesdebate concerning gun restraints. The theory of gun control pertains towards any efforts i ntended to regulate, define, or limit the possession, production, sales, and use of guns. Since its conception, the Second Amendment ââ¬â guaranteeing the ââ¬Å"right to bear armsâ⬠ââ¬â has been wildly controversial. Gun control advocates suggest that confining gun ownership would reduce the number of violent gun-related crimes, suicides, and deaths; rigorous background checks and mandatory waiting periods would help to deterRead MoreDrug War in Mexico Essay3047 Words à |à 13 PagesDrug War Drug trafficking has become an increasingly growing problem in the world today. Illegal drug trade is a worldwide black market consisting of production, distribution, packaging, and sale of illegal substances. Although todayââ¬â¢s War on Drugs is a modern phenomenon, drug problems have been a common problem throughout history. The market for illegal drugs is massive, when we consider the estimated global drug trade value is worth $321 billion (Vulliamy). The most drug trafficking happens onRead MoreAnimal Safety : Endangered Species1645 Words à |à 7 Pagesto their extinction. These animals are considered to be an endangered species. These animals are being affected due to their habitat being destroyed and moving them to a new habitat in which they arenââ¬â¢t used to. Another main reason is because of illegal hunting. But today we have many organizations that travel around the world to help these poor species from being extinct and put them in captivity. But unfortunately, m any of these animals donââ¬â¢t seem to adapt well in their new habitat while beingRead MoreExotic Animals1518 Words à |à 7 Pagesand killing of forty-nine exotic animals in Zanesville, Ohio, was said to be the worst exotic animal incident in United States history. This dangerous incident and those like it need to be thoroughly investigated, and legislation must be improved to avoid future incidents. Stricter laws will ensure exotic animals are being cared for humanely and the public is protected. Common exotic animals that are being purchased for private ownership or entertainment purposes are large game cats, bears, wolvesRead MoreGun Control Is Not Regulated Now Essay1418 Words à |à 6 Pageslaws such as on hand guns is a violation of their right to bear arms. Individuals feel stripped of their protection and claim to be left defenseless against attackers. What society tends not to realize is that, because of their possession if these handguns, a lot of innocent loves are put in danger. Bakal et al research puts aside a whole discussion where family members shot each other because of these easily accessed guns. Mothers killing their children and themselves over trivial arguments, whereRead MoreThe National Rifle Association Was Formed By Union Army1755 Words à |à 8 PagesEvery responsible American citizen over the age of 18 should be eligible to own a firearm. In the constitution the founding fathers put in that the public has the right to bear arms. You can lose that right, but everyone has that freedom, use provoked. Since the Second Amendment was pronounced constitutional, there has been a series of events changing the living document. Countless events that put a bad reputation on gun owners, and gun sellers all across America. In the year 1791 The SecondRead MoreOperation Blue Rag, By San Diego1597 Words à |à 7 Pagesconclusions underscored the necessity for rapid, multi-agency, coordinated responses to control illegal gang activities (Torres, S. 1998). Operation Blue Rag, a program developed in San Diego, California, focused on the city s black street gangs, while Operation Red Rag, implemented the following year, targeted Blood or Piru gangs. They were both federally funded through the Urban Street Gang Drug Trafficking Enforcement Demonstration Project. The goal of both programs was to reduce violence in theRead MoreThe Police Criminal Intelligence Bulletin1705 Words à |à 7 Pagesconclusions underscored the necessity for rapid, multi-agency, coordinated responses to control illegal gang activities (Torres, 1998, p. 38). Operation Blue Rag, a program developed in San Diego, California, focused on the city s black street gangs, while Operation Red Rag, implemented the following year, targeted Bl ood or Piru gangs. They were both federally funded through the Urban Street Gang Drug Trafficking Enforcement Demonstration Project. The goal of both programs was to reduce violence in theRead MoreThe Incident Of Columbia Police2285 Words à |à 10 Pagesalways be known as the tragic date of one of their cities, and the nationââ¬â¢s most wrenching massacres. Reports say 20-year old Adam Lanza shot his way through the locked front doors of Sandy Hook Elementary at around 9:30 am. He then went on a rampage killing twenty children and six adults with a semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifle manufactured by Bushmaster and two pistols, one made by Glock and the other made by Sauer. He finally killed himself before police could take him into custody. Almost two years
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